Monday, March 14th, we were fortunate to have Dr. Sebastien Beley, Urology Surgeon, along with Ms Antonia Mariconda, considering the social trends, causes and treatment options specifically for Peyronie’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction. This discussion was led by Laurence Desbordes, journalist specialized in lifestyle, fashion and health.
Ms Antonia Mariconda gave the key figures for the onset of Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) by region and ethnicity and highlighted the large number of men affected. She cited the different methods to treat these diseases.
Dr. Sebastien Beley, went on to explain the causes of these diseases and the different means of treatment. He then described the protocols he uses to treat his patients with what he calls the PRP shot. He said that Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a promising, minimally invasive treatment option with no major complications for treating patients with ED and PD. However, he pointed out that not all patients are suitable for these treatments and explained the cases where it is not indicated.
The session ended with a Q&A session with the webinar participants.
The session is now accessible in replay on the Biobridge site, click here. We hope to meet you Monday for the next event on the use of PRP-HA in oral and maxillofacial surgery/ implantology/ periodontology – and its potential.
For the whole Biobridge program and replay click here.